Train the cyclist's core stability with MYCYCLING accessories

MYCYCLING, Technogym's smart training system, is a training system built to let cyclists experience a rewarding training experience in any weather and wherever the cyclist finds the time and place to get on their bike, connect the trainer and "leave".

It is logical, therefore, that the use of bicycles, outdoors and/or with the smart trainer in the home, is a fundamental part of your training. On the other hand, in order to bring on the road or on the rollers the best of their performance, it is essential to train with specific exercises the stability of the core, that area of the human body that - if properly worked - is essential for the control of the bike, to give the best thrust to the pedals and to avoid pelvic injuries such as pubalgia and lumbago as well as knee diseases.

The key? Core Stability

The core is formed by two muscle systems: the stabilizer system (local musculature) and the movement system (global musculature).
The exercises for the stability of the core therefore lay the foundations for developing the best possible pedaling: we have had the opportunity to talk about it on these pages in depth, of which we report some elements below.

To train the core you can distinguish the training in two distinct phases: the first focuses on activation and training in isolation of the core muscles, in the second must be activated correctly the core in the execution of movements of daily life and sports. Typical core-activating exercises are those that involve complex movements in which we use both our arms and legs, as well as exercises in precarious conditions of balance. All the positions that force us to take action to keep the spine aligned significantly stress the muscles of our powerhouse.

The latter group includes some of the fundamental exercises, the so-called "bridges" (plank and bridge). These are mainly static exercises, or exercises with minimal movements, aimed at developing the strength and resistance of the core. The exercises carried out in unstable conditions, however, involve the use of an exercise ball, foam roller, etc.. and are based on the fact that to maintain and recover the balance the core must work in a coordinated and continuous manner. It is therefore a work of resistance and coordination, as well as of strength.

Exercises on MYCYCLING App

Inside the MYCYCLING app you can find a section dedicated to exercises to train the core flexibility, to be performed with free body before starting the training. To give customers the chance to replicate the exercises in the app in the best possible way, a new training kit has been included in Technogym's accessories line.
Thanks to the addition of this new kit of accessories, MYCYCLING is the ideal solution to live a training experience developed at 360°: an integrated system in continuous evolution that creates the best possible indoor training experience for the cyclist. Thanks to its unique components (the Technogym smart trainer, the dedicated MYCYCLING App, the Technogym coaches available and the training programs developed by professional trainers), any cyclist, professional or amateur at any level of preparation can find the most suitable training for their needs and thus optimize the results.

The Tool Kit, sold bundled only and not sold in separate parts, includes:

Foam Roller, a roller to be used in particular to train the flexibility of the upper and lower body.
Wellness Ball Training, an innovative ball that allows you to perform an infinite variety of exercises ranging from toning to stretching and relaxing the muscles. The Wellness Ball is comfortable and safe, the selected materials, in fact, guarantee stability, grip and softness to the touch. The shape of the ball helps to improve stability and, by training all muscle groups at the same time, improves posture and strength of the body.
Water Ball, a ball smaller than the Wellness Training that allows you to train strength by taking advantage of the weight of the water inside. It can be used in combination with other tools in the Tool Kit for training focused on different areas of the body.


Technogym, always attentive to the completeness of the training experience, has launched a new kit of products to be used in synergy with an area of MYCYCLING APP entirely dedicated to training the stability of the core for cyclists who use MYCYCLING as a smart trainer.
To integrate your training experience in the best possible way, a series of floor exercises are available inside the app to improve flexibility, stability and muscle relaxation, making cycling more efficient. the perfect indoor training of the cyclist is therefore not just composed of varied sessions with the smart trainer but integrates a series of ground exercises that improve the stability of the core.

Types of exercises

In the MYCYCLING app, there are exercises, performed by a Technogym trainer, to be combined with training with MYCYCLING; to find them simply go to your personal area and click on "Core Stability". Inside, the exercises are subdivided by type of training: free body, strength, stability, balance and flexibility. Below we have selected some of the exercises in the app that also include the use of the Technogym MYCYCLING Tool Kit.

Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a free body exercise that helps the body stabilize the lumbar vertebrae during those movements that affect both the upper and lower parts of the body. This exercise strengthens the response to core muscle strain, helping to improve spinal column and hip alignment and giving stability to the shoulders.

Self Myofascial Release

This exercise aims to reduce tension and, through the pressure exerted by the foam roller, reduce localised myofascial tension. Its use also contributes to increasing short-term athletic performance and flexibility and reducing post-workout muscle soreness.

Trunk Rotation in Glute Bridge and on ball

The Glute Bridge is one of the movements to stretch the hips and activate the muscles of the buttocks also helping to prevent and relieve back pain. This exercise is combined with a twist of the bust accompanied by Technogym's water ball. The same rotation with the bust can be performed on the Wellness Training Ball.

Russian Twist on ball

The Russian Twist can be practiced using both a light weight and a free body. This type of exercise aims to strengthen muscles without putting your back at risk. The twist movement is the key to the exercise and taking advantage of the weight of the ball and controlling it from side to side, you train the entire abdominal wall with particular emphasis on the obliques. Positioning the ball at the base aims to train the balance and flexibility contributing to the strengthening of the musculature of the core.

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