Indoor Cycling Classes

Indoor Cycling Classes

There is so much more to indoor cycling than just getting your legs spinning. That’s why we created some of the most enthralling experiences on pedals: connected, measurable, and – most of all – fun!

Why choose Technogym classes

Our equipment is designed to bring in results safely. Digital management of all classes is seamless. And science-based programs send motivation soaring. When you choose any of the Technogym indoor cycling formats, you’re committing to a superior experience, one your riders will thank you for.

Which cycling experience works best for you

 Arguably, there is no other group in fitness quite like the riding crowd. Indoor cycling has attracted consumers to clubs and boutique studios en masse for years, and it’s still booming. That means more opportunities to capture. But how?Those rides to stay in shape will come for the results, but will eventually stay for the fun. We designed the Group Cycle experience to achieve both: programs conceived to sweat with purpose, and sound, and light design to push everyone to reach their goals – and have fun doing it.Still, there is a growing number of amateur and professional cyclists looking at indoor training to help them achieve significant improvements in their performance. That’s where the Skillbike Class comes in, offering an authentic cycling experience that, leverages detailed metrics such as anaerobic threshold and pedaling symmetry to boost their athletic skills.Finally, the power of indoor cycling today can reach more people than ever with streaming technology. This means you can now bring live and on-demand classes to the gym floor, home, hotel room, and even the office, thanks to the connected features of the Technogym Bike. That means you can reach and motivate cycling aficionados virtually anywhere by cycling with top trainers around the world.



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