Technogym Bench - Alek O.


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Objects chosen for their emotional quality are salvaged from their original domestic use, acquiring new meaning

ALEK-O. photo-by-Henrik-Blomqvist

Alek O.

Born in Buenos Aires in 1981, Alek O. lives and works in Milan, where she graduated in Design from Politecnico. In her practice, she blends the common notion of the readymade with craft, embroidery, and traditional art-making forms. Her works have been exhibited widely in international museums and galleries. 

In the artist's works, objects chosen for their emotional quality are salvaged from their original domestic use, acquiring new meaning. That is the case with this interpretation of the Technogym Bench, where brown, red, and green discarded doormats form a new skin covering the entire surface of the Bench. The title Flatland pays tribute to the eponymous story by English author Edwin A. Abbott. 



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