Urethane Plate

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Новые диски Technogym с полиуретановым покрытием - более безопасные, прочные и удобные. Наши диски покрыты износостойким уретаном повышенной прочности, увеличивающим срок их эксплуатации и помогающим предотвратить повреждение оборудования, стен и полов.

Feel the power

Make the best of your strength training: the exclusive, registered design of the Uretahne Disks makes them easy to pick up and allow great flexibility in exercises, while premium urethane coating makes them less susceptible to damage and absorb shocks effectively.


Easy to handle and identify

The special two-handle design makes the plates easy and safe to pick up and carry, combining strong looks with versatility. The colour-contrasted engraved markings ensure that the weight number is easy to spot and read.


Extreme durability

The plate is made of a cast iron centre encased in a urethane shroud. It is designed to be used for bench and rack exercises and on plate-loaded equipment.



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