

Digital class management for gyms, studios, and health clubs

Train on the beat

TEAMBEATS™ combines variety, efficacy and fun in a group class format that increases member engagement and motivation with heart-rate metrics and energetic music. Build and nurture your community by offering a guided, immersive experience at any time and customizing content to local fitness trends.


Heart rate guided training

Repurpose underused space at your club with Teambeats heart-rate training classes. Thanks to the colors associated with each level of heart rate intensity, users can monitor their performance at a glance and maintain the highest training efficiency towards their goal.

Easy guidance for all skill levels

You can schedule sessions leveraging a user-friendly interface that guides, motivates and engages members with visual and audio cues and instructional videos.

Classes anytime, with or without a trainer

Teambeats now includes an unsupervised class option. You can set up more classes, create a bookable timetable and maximize the use of every corner of your gym, even when trainers are not available and without giving up on quality.

Learn more from our experts




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